Independent Personal Private Care Home Health - the leading provider of home health care.
Back Story
Hi! My name is Meghan, and I am a motivated entrepreneur, and Murphy, NC native. I started working independently as a private care, home health aid for a number of clients, with a few other caregivers.
However, I have been in the medical profession for 9+ years, starting young, as a teenager still in high school. My mother had been diagnosed with cancer and lost the battle after 5 years. At the age of 16 years old I started filling the position of a caregiver for my very own mother. Shortly after her loss, I began to take a higher interest in health care. Since then, caregiving has been an outlet for me personally, to fill the ever longing need to give the care I felt, I neglected my mother of, once as a rebellious teenager. Letting go of the guilt, over the past years I have worked as a CNA/caregiver in facilities, and in nursing homes. I have been certified 6 years professionally through 2 different states. I’ve gone through training in general first aid, wound care, CPR, AED, medication aide, and two, “Leaders in Dementia” courses, while ever continuing to grow in my experience and knowledge required to perform the best for residents/clients and myself.
I have always been a people person and my compassion for caregiving and helping others is truly a blessing, and the soul drive for the progression of my business's future. Working together with a close team of experienced caregivers, we believe that having the ability to give back and benefit others, in a way that goes above and beyond, is the most rewarding gift life has to offer.
As a child I was always taught if you want something you have to work for it, and the concept of building from the bottom up, an agency our family, friends, and loved one’s, can be proud of, have confidence in, and trust, is the prime example of a dream come true, for me, and for you! So allow yourself and/or whomever it may be, to enjoy living out their lives right where they want to be… home!